苏州大学 / 校友会



201943日,DUSAEuropean Business Suzhou Association)苏州欧洲商会(“欧商会”)2019年度年会(Annual General Meeting)在苏州工业园区凯悦大酒店顺利召开。

On April 3, 2019, the 2019 Annual General Meeting of DUSA (European Business Suzhou Association) was successfully held at Hyatt Regency in Suzhou Industrial Park.

欧商会成立于2002年,由几位在苏州的德国企业总经理发起并筹建,至今已有16余年历史。经过不断的发展和壮大,欧商会现有150余家会员企业,多为苏州及周边城市以欧洲为主的外商投资企业。作为一家受当地政府认可的私立非营利性组织,欧商会的口号始终是 “Not to be alone in a very dynamic country in & around Suzhou!”(“如您身处极具活力的苏州或其周边,那您绝不会孤独!”)。

The DUSA was founded in 2002 and was initiated and established by several general managers of German enterprises in Suzhou. It has a history of more than 16 years. After continuous development and growth, the DUSA has more than 150 member enterprises, mostly foreign-funded enterprises, mainly in Europe,  in Suzhou and surrounding cities. As a private non-profit organization recognized by the local government, the slogan of the DUSA has always been “Not to be alone in a very dynamic country in & around Suzhou!”.


The event was unprecedented, with nearly 70 participants, mostly senior managers from more than 10 countries, including general managers and executive directors of multinational enterprises in Suzhou, Shanghai, Wuxi, Kunshan and Changzhou. Mr. Winston Jin, founding partner of Fangben Law Office and supervisor of DUSA (former director of DUSA), participated in the Annual General Meeting. Lawyer Yin Wang and Lawyer RaFael Mao of Fangben Law Office also participated in this event.

会间,欧商会主席Oscar Wu先生及各分管董事各自回顾了欧商会在过去2018年所取得的成绩,以及针对2019年的展望;且再次表达了欧商会服务于苏州及其周边外商投资企业,尤其是制造型企业,并为其提供高质量的信息传递和社交沟通的使命。

During the meeting, Mr. Oscar Wu, Chairman of the DUSA, and the directors in charge reviewed the achievements made by the DUSA in the past 2018 and delivered its outlook for 2019 respectively. The directors again expressed the mission of the DUSA to serve foreign-funded enterprises in Suzhou and its surrounding areas, especially manufacturing enterprises, and to provide them with high-quality information transmission and social communication.

活动闭幕前,欧商会向方本律师事务所颁发了“2018年商业杰出贡献奖(Business Excellence Award 2018)”。

Before falling the curtain of the event, the DUSA awarded the  “Business Excellence Award 2018” to Fangben Law Office.